Monday, January 23, 2006

Cleaning out the muck

Jack Abramoff, Tom DeLay, Bob Ney, Duke Cunningham, and plenty of others remind us of why we need to throw the current set of bums out of Congress and replace them with a new set. Too many of "our" "elected" "representatives" are selling their offices and their votes to the highest bidder. While the whole thing is wrong, think about how much money it costs the taxpayers to do things like build the bridge to nowhere; think also about how much important work isn't being done because the money is being wasted.

I was glad to see the Democrats tossed out in the 90s; I even voted for Bush in 2000 to clean out the Augean stables of corruption that the Clinton Administration had become. And it's time to do it again to this bunch. The political issues du jour are far less important than maintaining and restoring the integrity of our governmental institutions. Tossing these bums out may be a start.


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